
Fluid State

type art project
date jul 2018
location bucharest
kaoru furuko animation
erik lindeborg generative music
diana butucariu curator

fluid state is an experimental art project focusing on glass as a prime material seen through the eyes of a musician, an animator and an artist/curator.

the work of the three artists emphasises characteristics of glass such as materiality, audibility and fluidity with the use of generative sound design, stop-motion animation and object making.

the exhibition offers a rich and vivid audio-visual experience which aims to realise the mythical fluid state of the glass.

the first installment of fluid state was exhibited at atelier 35 in bucharest with the support of the visual artists union of romania, the swedish arts grants committee, and in collaboration with the glass artist lucian butucariu.

fluid state on youtube

recording glass music on youtube

exhibition at atelier 35 in bucharest

recording the fluid state demo in vendelsö
