

type exhibition
date jan 2017
location multiple
diana butucariu sculpture
erik lindeborg sound, electronics, programming

skins is an investigation of expectations imposed on artists in society. norm can be oppressive, dictating personal behavior and punishing deviations. in other cases the normative may be elusive and hard to grasp. transplanting yourself to a new country implies trading a set of intuitive “rules” for new ones, which are largely unknown, and rarely defined for you in clear terms.

skins was part of the project performing craft and exhibited at gustavsbergs konsthall and österängens konsthall.

skins pt 2 on youtube  
skins pt 3 on youtube  
skins prototype on youtube  

detail with led lights

the piece performing



code is ready for prod, good luck!

living room workshop

installation at gustavsbergs konsthall, jan 2017

skins at österängens konsthall, may 2017
